Our Team

Samantha Lewis found Her Belle Tease. She has a background in fashion law as a full spectrum paralegal, with a focus on sustainable supply chains, environmental impact of the industry and modern slavery. She left London after Brexit. Her mother is a tramadol dependent and inspired her to research the historical medical uses of plants and the contraindications with pharmaceutical medicine. She is a textile artist, pattern maker, material researcher and flavour mixologist. She has purposefully chosen a tough life to understand the hardships facing her clients so she can provide suitable solutions to their mind and body problems

Seger Terpstra, is the CTO and CMO, he is a freelance strategic consultant, empowers businesses and individuals with a suite of premier services. His approach seamlessly integrates production-level solutions with strategic planning to create actionable insights that exceed goals. From developing a brand to improving existing operations, Seger’s balanced and experienced approach transcends traditional boundaries to deliver results

Our Mission

Her Belle Tease offers an educational and sustainable tea experience, promoting health autonomy and self reliance and a deeper connection to nature

Introducing Farmisee, a healthcare app by Her Belle Tease, addresses health awareness through medicinal tea

Additionally, our supply chain initiative educates survivors in earth stewardship. This comprehensive approach aims to diversify plant knowledge, bridge gaps in healthcare understanding, and create inclusive business and earth stewardship programs.

Tranquillo Dude

The Problem

Lack of diverse fun, beautiful and informative tea options using local plants, sustainable supply chains with biodiversity as the guiding principle, public education on plant uses, confusion among healthcare practitioners with traditional uses of plants and pharmaceutical contraindications, and limited business and earth stewardship programs for modern slave trade survivors

Our Vision

We envision a future where Her Belle Tease is synonymous with a lifestyle that cherishes wellness, embraces creativity, and honors the earth. A future where every sip tells a story, every blend is a masterpiece, and tea becomes a bridge connecting diverse cultures and communities.

Timeline/Story about HBT

At the heart of Her Belle Tease lies a rich tapestry of elements that define not just a brand, but a philosophy, a lifestyle.

Elegance is our guiding star, a beacon of sophistication and refinement that illuminates every aspect of our brand. From the graceful design of our packaging to the curated selection of our tea blends, elegance is more than an aesthetic choice—it’s a commitment to a high standard of quality and poise.

Central to our ethos is Wellness. In today’s fast-paced world, Her Belle Tease stands as a sanctuary for health and well-being. Our teas are more than just a part of your daily routine; they are a ritual for self-care, a nod to the ancient wisdom that sees tea as a healing elixir.

Creativity flows through our veins. It’s visible in our innovative blends, where we marry traditional herbs with unexpected flavors, and in our artistic presentation that turns each tea packet into a piece of art. Our creativity is boundless, constantly pushing the boundaries of what tea can be.

Inclusivity is our promise. Her Belle Tease is a brand for everyone. We celebrate the diversity of tea cultures around the world and invite everyone to our table. Our blends are a homage to the myriad ways in which tea is enjoyed globally, making every individual’s tea experience both unique and universal.

At our core is Sustainability, reflecting our respect for the planet and its resources. We source our ingredients ethically, mindful of our environmental footprint. Our packaging is eco-friendly, and every step we take is a step towards a more sustainable future.

Finally, Storytelling is the thread that weaves our brand together. Each tea tells a story, of its origin, its journey, and its place in the tapestry of our cultures. These stories are not just about the tea but about the people and places behind them, making each cup a narrative to savor. Each tea has a connected cause where part of the proceeds will wing their way over to support people in need.

In the interplay of these elements, Elegance and Creativity converge, showcasing our commitment to sophisticated yet inventive tea experiences. The blend of Wellness and Sustainability reflects our dedication to health-conscious practices that honor the earth. Playfulness and Cultural Fusion bring a lively, diverse approach to our teas, while Storytelling and inclusivity ensure that every narrative resonates with a wide audience, inviting everyone to partake in the rich tapestry that is Her Belle Tease.



Samm ends up in Amsterdam via the Italian Mountains. HBT conceived. Other businesses 

started at the same time


HBT born Samm testing recipes on her own healing journey and develops the Farmisee vertical supply chain prototype. Events are developed and tested


HBT goes to markets for packaging and recipe feedback. Events are promoted


HBT is tested at festivals as a tea bar, with the full package, and new products


HBT goes to different markets and festivals across Europe. Other businesses end


HBT takes feedback and goes back to develop the brand further. INCO Social Tides Incubator. Takes on Seger CTO/CMO


HBT joins Momentum accelerator from Start Up Bootcamp for The Farmisee. Goes live with new website, new packaging, farms are started to be grown, new mindset…. The world sees we are here to inspire as an innovative leader and visionary, stockists, events, funding stability and growth all descend from the universe and we meet incredible collaborators!